Change to Annual Membership Subscriptions.
From 2016, Minster have introduced changes to prices and also the way that club membership is paid. We now offer discounted membership by paying via a monthly standing order:
Paid via a monthly standing order:
Seniors £120 (£10.00 a month)
U18s £30 (£2.50 a month)
Paid as a one off cash payment:
Seniors £150
U18s £50
All payments can be made payable to our club bank account:
Sort Code: 09-01-51
Account Number: 50459408
- We urge all members to get this in place ASAP. - For Under 18s, discounts are also available for more than one child. - One off payments can also be paid in cash to Andy Hosken or Mark Tucker. - Please contact Club Treasurer Andy Hosken on 07768607519 if you have any queries.
